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what is a closure and how it works?
In computer programming, closure is the combination of a function and the lexical environment within which that function was declared. This environment consists of any local variables that were in-scope at the time the closure was created.
A closure allows the function to access and manipulate variables that are external to that function. A key feature of closures is that they can remember the environment in which they were created, even if that environment no longer exists. This is known as lexical scoping.
- Allows for data encapsulation
- Improves code organisation
- Creates private variables
- Allows for partial application of functions
- May lead to confusion and complexity
- May create unexpected behaviour
- Variables may be unintentionally overwritten
Closure can be used in a number of cases, such as creating a private variable, creating a function that has access to variables outside of its scope, or creating a function that can be passed around and invoked at a later time.
This is a quick rundown on what is closure for more info please check out MDN docs on closure.
If there is any issue with the explanation feel free to comment it.